Friday 2 February 2018




HIV is spread just in certain body liquids from a man contaminated with HIV. These liquids are blood, semen, pre-original liquids, rectal liquids, vaginal liquids, and bosom drain. 
In the United States, HIV is spread for the most part by engaging in sexual relations or sharing infusion medicate hardware, for example, needles, with somebody who has HIV. 
To decrease your danger of HIV contamination, utilize condoms effectively every time you have vaginal, oral, or butt-centric sex. Try not to infuse drugs. In the event that you do, utilize just sterile infusion gear and water and never share your hardware with others. 
On the off chance that you don't have HIV yet are at high danger of getting to be plainly contaminated with HIV, converse with your social insurance supplier about pre-presentation prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP includes taking a particular HIV solution consistently to decrease the danger of HIV disease.

How is HIV spread? 

The individual to-individual spread of HIV is called HIV transmission. HIV is transmitted (spread) just in certain body liquids from a man contaminated with HIV: 

  • Blood 

  • Semen 

  • Pre-fundamental liquids 

  • Rectal liquids 

  • Vaginal liquids 

  • Bosom drain 

HIV transmission is just conceivable if these liquids interact with a mucous film or harmed tissue or are straightforwardly infused into the circulatory system (from a needle or syringe). Mucous layers are found inside the rectum, the vagina, the opening of the penis, and the mouth. 

In the United States, HIV is spread mostly by: 

Having butt-centric or vaginal sex with somebody who has HIV without utilizing a condom or taking meds to counteract or treat HIV 

Sharing infusion medicate hardware ("works, for example, needles, with somebody who has HIV 

HIV can likewise spread from a HIV-contaminated lady to her youngster amid pregnancy, labor (additionally called work and conveyance), or breastfeeding. This spread of HIV is called mother-to-youngster transmission of HIV. 

Before, a few people were contaminated with HIV in the wake of getting a blood transfusion or organ or tissue transplant from a HIV-tainted benefactor. Today, this hazard is low in light of the fact that gave blood, organs, and tissues are painstakingly tried in the United States. 

You can't get HIV from easygoing contact with a man tainted with HIV, for instance from a handshake, an embrace, or a shut mouth kiss. Furthermore, you can't get HIV from contact with items, for example, can seats, doorknobs, or dishes utilized by a man tainted with HIV. Utilize the AIDSinfo You Can Safely Share… With Someone With HIV infographic to spread this message.

How might I decrease my danger of getting HIV? 

Anybody can get HIV, yet you can find a way to shield yourself from HIV contamination. 

Get tried and know your accomplice's HIV status. Converse with your accomplice about HIV testing and get tried before you engage in sexual relations. Utilize this testing locator from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to discover a HIV testing area close you. 
Have less dangerous sex. HIV is for the most part spread by having butt-centric or vaginal sex without a condom or without taking solutions to avoid or treat HIV. 

Utilize condoms. Utilize a condom accurately every time you have vaginal, butt-centric, or oral sex. Read this reality sheet from CDC on the best way to utilize condoms effectively. 

Point of confinement your number of sexual accomplices. The more accomplices you have, the more probable you are to have a collaborate with HIV whose HIV isn't all around controlled or to have a join forces with a sexually transmitted illness (STD). Both of these elements can build the danger of HIV transmission. On the off chance that you have more than one sexual accomplice, get tried for HIV routinely. 

Get tried and treated for STDs. Demand that your accomplices get tried and treated as well. Having a STD can expand your danger of getting to be plainly tainted with HIV or spreading it to others. 

Converse with your human services supplier about pre-introduction prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP is a HIV anticipation alternative for individuals who don't have HIV however who are at high danger of getting to be plainly contaminated with HIV. PrEP includes taking a particular HIV medication consistently. For more data, read the AIDSinfo reality sheet on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). 

Try not to infuse drugs. In any case, on the off chance that you do, utilize just sterile medication infusion hardware and water and never share your gear with others. 

I am HIV positive yet my accomplice is HIV negative. How might I shield my accomplice from HIV? 

Take HIV pharmaceuticals day by day. Treatment with HIV meds (called antiretroviral treatment or ART) enables individuals with HIV to live more, more advantageous lives. Craftsmanship can't cure HIV disease, however it can diminish the measure of HIV in the body. Having less HIV in your body will decrease your danger of passing HIV to your accomplice amid sex. You can likewise converse with your accomplice about taking PrEP. 

To secure your accomplice, utilize condoms accurately every time you have intercourse. Indeed, even somebody who is taking HIV prescriptions and has an imperceptible viral load can in any case possibly transmit HIV to an accomplice. So regardless of whether you are taking HIV prescriptions, it's as yet vital to utilize condoms. 

In the event that you infuse drugs, don't share your needles, syringes, or other medication hardware with your accomplice. 

To take in more, read this website page from on Mixed-Status Couples. 

Are HIV prescriptions utilized as a part of different circumstances to avoid HIV contamination? 

Truly, HIV medications are additionally utilized for post-introduction prophylaxis (PEP) and to counteract mother-to-kid transmission of HIV. 

Post-presentation prophylaxis (PEP) 

Zip is the utilization of HIV solutions to diminish the danger of HIV contamination not long after a conceivable presentation to HIV. Energy might be utilized, for instance, after a man has intercourse without a condom with a man who is tainted with HIV or after a social insurance laborer is inadvertently presented to HIV in the working environment. To be successful, PEP must be begun inside 3 days after the conceivable presentation to HIV. Get up and go includes taking HIV drugs every day for 28 days. For more data, read the AIDSinfo reality sheet on Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). 

Aversion of mother-to-tyke transmission of HIV 

Ladies with HIV take HIV pharmaceuticals amid pregnancy and labor to lessen the danger of passing HIV to their infants. Their infants likewise get HIV medication for 4 to a month and a half after birth. The HIV pharmaceutical lessens the danger of disease from any HIV that may have entered an infant's body amid labor. For more data, read the AIDSinfo reality sheet on Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV. 

How might I take in more about avoiding HIV? 

Peruse through the accompanying data. This reality sheet depends on this data. 

  • From CDC: 

  • HIV Transmission 

  • HIV Prevention 

  • PrEP 

  • Punch 

From the Department of Health and Human Services: 

Proposals for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant Women with HIV Infection and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States: 

General Principles Regarding Use of Antiretroviral Drugs During Pregnancy: Overview 

Baby blues Care: Infant Antiretroviral Prophylaxis

Get tried and know your accomplice's HIV status. ... 

Have less unsafe sex. ... 

Utilize condoms. ... 

Cutoff your number of sexual accomplices. ... 

Get tried and treated for STDs. ... 

Converse with your medicinal services supplier about pre-presentation prophylaxis (PrEP).


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